Monday, June 29, 2009

July 6, 2087

"Why the hell not!" Yelled Lock-On. "I'm sorry but you just can't right now." Jack Ruby replied. Lock-On had been in Mongolia all day. He was angry that Jack would not make him the main sharpshooter. Suddenly, Tsukento was in the room.

"Tsukento? What are you doing?" Jack said.
"I don't care. I just need to talk to Nich." Tsukento replied.
"You and me both. Because of Nich, we can't make Lock-On our sharpshooter."
"Yeah. Kieon won't replace a soldier unless he's dead. Nich ran away after attacking Macro."
Tsukento looked over, and saw Macro covered in bandages and a cast.
"Oh! That is it!" Tsukento Barked. "I'm going to find Nich. Dead or Alive!"
Tsukento walked out the door.

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