Saturday, May 23, 2009

June 25, 2087

"The тэг is ready Commander Ruby!" Said Macro. Jack Ruby looked at the Mech. "тэг? Is that that what you called it?" Jack asked. "I think it just fits it perfectly, does it not?" Macro Replied.

Tsukento walked into the room. He had a bandage on hid right arm and a Scar on his left cheek. His dark red hair had grown at least 4 centimeters longer, and now covered his left eye.

"What happened to your Spear?" Macro said
"I had it converted into a Scythe. All they did is add more Orichalcum to the blade."
"But you got that back in Shinjuku!"
"Its still the same weapon."
"Now's not the time to be arguing!" Jack barked. "Gather troops. I have something to say"

Tsukento got the Army out of the Lunchroom out to the Hanger. "Men! Today is the day when we head straight to Zone-13 of the Cuban Empire." Jack said. In 2087 the is far different from Jack's time. The country that was known as Russia is now nothing but a waste land after they held their war against the United States, which is now Zone-9. Zone-13 is the lower part of China and South Korea, while the rest of China, North Korea and Japan are owned by Mongolia. A deal made to fight the Cuban Empire.

Some Soldiers got into their Armored Cars. There was also a Ground Force led by Tsukento, and a Air Force led by Nich. Jack Got into the тэг and traveled by Tsukento's Forces. Tsukento was shocked to see Jack fight on the Front Lines, and for Macro to build something like this from scratch.

They quickly invaded Zone-13 and head-on fought the on coming Micro Cuban Pengins, the ordinary Soldiers, the elite ones, as well as a high ranking Pilot, Chisane. Tsukento used the Plasma Gloves to destroy the Pengins with ease, but the Airforces where struggling with Chisane. That's when Jack flew the тэг up to Chisane's Plane. It was an electric blue color and had a lot of weapons attached to it. Jack lured Chisane into a corner, and just about as he was about to use the Plasma Cannon when Chisane ejected. "That was a bad move." Jack said. Because of Chisane's cowardliness, Jack was able to destroy the Cuban Soldiers with ease, in the тэг. The remaining forces retreated to the Cuban Homeland. Zone-13 was now Part of Mongolia.

Note: тэг means Zero in Mongolian

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